Audits and Analyses
Regulatory Compliance Audits
Risk Management Professionals has been providing regulatory Compliance Audit services since 1995. An effective Compliance Audit is reliant on skills our team has honed in its practice, including:
- A mastery knowledge of the regulations and requirements
- Industry application of the requirements
- Experience and knowledge of common deficiencies (including implementation)
- Ability to work with personnel to develop reasonable solutions
Gap Analysis
The goal of a gap analysis is to identify areas in need of improvement for unregulated facilities or facilities needing an additional analysis. The analysis is a means to identify and correct gaps between desired levels and actual levels of compliance and are not required to be a part of the program documentation. As a result, these analyses are not subject to regulatory inspection.
How are Gap Analyses different than Compliance Audits?
Similar to Compliance Audits, gap analyses review a facility’s current prevention program against applicable regulations to achieve the same standard as is required by the regulations. However, a gap analysis is NOT meant to satisfy any regulatory requirements and is not intended to exempt the facility from any applicable regulatory requirements. The analysis is voluntarily conducted to identify and correct gaps outside of regulatory requirements.
RAGAGEP Gap Analysis
A Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) Gap Analysis analyzes the as-built process conditions and suggests potential additional mitigation measures based on current applicable industry best practices, codes and standards. The RAGAGEP Gap Analysis may use established codes and standards from organizations such as:
- International Institute of All-Natural Refrigeration (IIAR),
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI),
- American Petroleum Institute (API),
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and
- American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM).
RAGAGEP Gap Analyses do not directly satisfy regulatory requirements, unless it is used to satisfy the RAGAGEP portion of regulatory requirements, in which case it would be subject to regulatory scrutiny at the discretion of the regulating agency.