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Non-Residential Population Estimate Methodologies

Did you know the Nevada Chemical Accident Prevention Program (CAPP) requires population estimates calculated for the Hazard Assessment to include institutions, such as schools, hospitals, prisons, parks and recreational areas and major commercial, office, and industrial buildings when located within the circle of concern?

Even when there is no residential population within the circle of concern, this non-residential population must still be estimated and reported. So, what do facilities have to do to stay compliant with the Nevada regulations?

Stephanie Smith, PE, Principal Engineer – published 5/20/2024

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Centrifugal vs. Positive Displacement Pumps

What are centrifugal and positive displacement pumps and how are they different? There are various designs for pumps used in the engineering industry today, but these types of pumps can usually be classified into centrifugal and positive displacement pumps.

Jose Alvarez, Project Engineer I – published 3/4/2024

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Evaluating the Importance of Proper Corrosion Inspections

The release of flammable or toxic material could be attributed to many reasons, but one common mode of failure for incidents in today’s industry is corrosion. That is why it is important to apply corrosion inspections to any piece of equipment that may be susceptible to any type of corroding or cracking.

Jose Alvarez, Project Engineer I – published 2/12/2024

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Renewable Diesel vs. Biodiesel

Over the last few years, renewable diesel has become an increasingly popular alternative fuel alongside biodiesel; but first, what’s the difference between the two?

Craig Stickelmaier, EIT, Senior Engineer I – published 1/29/2024

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Accurately Quantifying Pump Failures During a PHA

Are you overestimating the severity of a pump failure during your PHA? Pump failures are one of the most common scenarios analyzed during a PHA study. Without proper preparation, these scenarios can be easily overestimated to conservatively cover a hazard that may be less severe than determined by the available PHA team. The goal of this TechTip is to provide a helpful way to approach these scenarios to ensure that your systems and personnel are being properly protected.

Brian Camey, EIT, Project Engineer I – published 1/8/2024

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Voluntary Hazard Reviews

Should facilities voluntarily perform Hazard Reviews? Even if not required by RMP or PSM, performing a PHA can be massively beneficial. PHAs identify vulnerabilities and practical recommendations to improve workplace safety and lower risk of fatalities, injuries, and facility damage.

Faye Saied, Engineering Intern – published 8/7/2023

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Pressure Safety Valve Credibility During a PHA

Are you ensuring that the PSVs that you credit during a PHA are truly reliable? Overpressure is a major concern for engineers where the pressure within a vessel or pipework exceeds the maximum design pressure of the equipment.

Brian Camey, EIT, Project Engineer I – published 5/8/2023

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Rupture Disc: Usage, Strengths and Weaknesses, Incident Study

Many common industrial processes involve highly pressurized vessels and piping, which leads to the potential for overpressure and vessel damage resulting in personnel injuries or even fatalities. For this reason, a variety of protections have been developed – such as relief valves, safety valves, explosion doors, explosion vents – one of which are rupture discs.

Joyce Shen, EIT, Project Engineer I – published 5/1/2023

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Modernizing Your PHA Experience

Why is a quality PHA important? Initiating events can have impacts well-beyond the individuals directly involved and the goal of industry is to avoid tragedies and mitigate process failures before they occur.

Stephanie Smith, PE, Principal Engineer – published 3/20/2023

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Evaluating Vessel Overpressure Scenarios During the PHA

It is understandable why overpressure scenarios are some of the more commonly identified hazards across many PHAs. However, evaluating overpressure scenarios in the context of the PHA is not always simple. Please see the URL below to read the full article. 

Craig Stickelmaier, Senior Engineer – published 02/15/2023

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For TechTips prior to 2023, please email with your request.